Amazing Features

360° Assessment

Assess candidate on analytical, operational and behavioural skills.

Video Interview

Bot will interview all candidates and video recording of interviews will be available for your evaluation.

Save Time

Save up to 60% of your interviewing time and get better candidates.


About Digital Recruiter

Today recruitment process is highly fragmented between different stake holders which has created multiple silos. These stakeholders like Hiring team, HR managers, HR consultants, candidates and experts does not work on single platforms, thereby inducing inefficiencies at multiple point in time. Though multiple communication, collaboration & evaluation technologies exists still process is largely manual. Today 90% of candidates are rejected at different stages of process contributing up to 65% to 70% of losses.
Digital Recruiter is a recruitment solution which streamlines the process by bringing all stakeholders on single platform & solution also weave a net of technologies to achieve all goals of interviewing and assessments. Solution rank candidates on their analytical, behavioural & operational skills after interviewing them. This way solution bring down cost of recruitment drastically.

Solution create evaluation and interviewing criteria based on JD. Then interviewing bot interview all candidates to rank them on their analytical, behavioural and operational skills. Solution also provide video recording of the candidate for better assessment.

Available on the
Google Store

More Features

Interviewer help organizations optimise their recruitment process and save up to 60% of interviewing process.
Following features goes beyond saving time.

Standard Evaluation

Solution generate evaluation criteria for a job description which can be customized

Invite Candidates

Hiring manager / HR or other employees can invite candidates by sharing link

Constant Communication

Application constantly engage candidates through out the interviewing process.

Ranked Candidates

Get list of ranked candidates or rank them on your criteria for quick decision

Expert Feedback

Invite internal or external experts for their unbiased feedback, comments and score

One Process - One Platform

Bring HR, Hiring manager, Experts, Candidates and HR Consultants on same platform to close opening quickly.

360° evaluation of all candidates

Solution bot will interview candidates on pre approved evaluation criteria and then rank them according to their score. Solution score them on
Analytical Skills
Behavioural Skills
Operational Skills

Solution also provide video interviews for all successful candidates which can be used by Hiring/HR managers for their own evaluations.


Automated evaluation & interviewing process

Solution generate evaluation criteria and interviewing questions after processing JD. Hiring/HR manager is presented with evaluation criteria and questions for review. Hiring/HR manager can customize evaluation criteria on their requirements With this solution HR/Hiring manager can evaluate all candidates against a standard criteria.


How it Works?

  • Install & Register

    Install mobile app from app store and register yourself with your company. All users will get confirmation mail on approval.

    Configure & Approve

    Create/share JD and system will generate evaluation criteria for it. Review & customize evaluation criteria and approve JD for publishing.


    Invite candidate via email by sharing a link. HR consultant working for you can also invite candidates via link.


    Bot will interview candidates and score them for analytical, behavioural and operational skills. Solution will present a ranked candidate list for quick hiring.

  • Interviewer Download

    Quick View


    Interviewer app is solution for HR/Hiring managers to streamline their interviewing process. Solution help organisation save up to 70% of recruitment cost.
    You can navigate to demo version by selecting demo option on landing page of the app. This demo version will demonstrate all functionality of this app.
    You don't need to register to view demo functionality.
    Yes you need to register for using solution for business purpose. For that select register option on landing page of app. Our admin team will connect with you on provided email id & phone number for confirmation. Once confirmed you account will be approved for business activity.
    App is free to download, but once you want to use it for business purpose payment will be applicable depending on your plan.
    No you can use app for features which is useful for you for particular opening. Payment will be applicable for used features only.

    The Team

    Team who build this product

    • User
      Founder & CEO

      IIT Roorkee grad with 20 year of professional experience.

    • User
      Chief Developer

      YMCA graduate with 3years of development experience

    • User
      Sales punter

      Sales manager

    Trusted by start-ups, SME and multinational clients

    We have served multiple clients from start-ups, small enterprises, medium enterprises to large organisations in IT, BPO, Health care, media to manufacturing organisations.
    Followings are views from few of our customers

    • User
      Mr. Rajeev Baid
      Founder at Interrorview Technologies

      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typeseing industry Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text Lorem is simply.

    • User
      Sanjay Nagi

      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typeseing industry Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text Lorem is simply.

    • User
      Shantanu Singh
      E2E Technologies

      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typeseing industry Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text Lorem is simply.

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