Amazing Features

Equal Opportunity

Compete on same ground with other candidates. No artificial biasing

Call interviewer to you

No need to run to different companies, locations for interview.

Zero Consultancy Fee

Find job on platform without wasting money on consultants.


About Interview Buster

Interviews is a very tedious process for candidates, when they not only have to find good companies, prepare for interviews, but also have to visit organisations, spending time and money. Lots of candidates drop out during process as they have limited information about company or sometime their time does not match with interviewers, some time other logistic issues pops up.
Interview Buster aims to solve some of these problems for candidates. With this solution candidates will be able to participate in interviews at their time & place of convenience. With this solution candidates can engage with company to a very last point in interview process except salary negotiations. With this solution candidate can engage multiple companies at same time and can shorten time required to get a job.

Available on the
Google Store

More Features

Interview Buster is most convenient to find a job. Apply and give interview for multiple jobs from your home and get feedbacks too.

Unbiased platform

Solution provide equal opportunity to participate for all candidates.

Choose best companies

Apply to companies of your choice and enjoy working there

Convenient Interviewing

Give interviews from your place of convenience.

Zero Consultants Fee

No need to run after consultants for jobs.

Skill based jobs

Find multiple jobs according to your skills at single platform

No wastage

Find, apply & give interviews for multiple jobs from single platform

Discover, apply & give interview

Using this solution you can discover openings of your choice. You can know details about company & opening in the solution itself. If interested you can apply & giving interview in the solution. Bot will conduct interview and evaluation test within app.


Effective, efficient and most economical job platform

Till now you have been wasting time or money with consultants or job-boards to find openings of your choice. Then you spend your time and money reaching out to companies to give multiple rounds of test & interviews. Now don't break your sweat for jobs With interview buster let jobs and interviewer come to you.


How it Works?

Install and Register

Install 'Interview Buster' from app store and register using Google or Facebook account.

Search interesting jobs

Search job in your dream companies or at location of your choice, or for salary of your choice


Apply on app for job from your home itself.

Give interview & get selected

Participate in evaluation tests, interviews from your location to get selected.


Interview Buster Download

Quick View


It is android app for participating in interview for different jobs
No this whole service is free of cost for all candidates.
Yes app also provide training functionality which is also free of cost for candidates.

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